Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Still Life, Apple Study

Value Study
So, I'm painting another apple, this one a bit larger.

The value study is nice. The problem will come when I add color.  We'll see how it goes.

So, I've added color. I don't hate it.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Still Life, Apple Study

Still Life, Apple Study
So, I've set up on my kitchen table for now. I've been away from painting for a while, so I'm not as happy with my stiffness and lack of ease with the paint. It is the paint mixing

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Qiang-Huang's New Braunfels Workshop

I took Qiang Huang's workshop in New Braunfels, Texas with my friend Kim. It was a great workshop, especially for me, as I am such an admirer of his work and his internet presence. We stayed with her lovely friend Jane (thank you Jane), and saved a huge amount on hotel costs. Yea!