This is the Nordic Inn in Mt Crested Butte. We can see it from our balcony.
The painting took 4 days. I tried to have as much wet-in-wet as possible, learning all about greys which tie it all together.
This is the Nordic Inn in Mt Crested Butte. We can see it from our balcony.
The painting took 4 days. I tried to have as much wet-in-wet as possible, learning all about greys which tie it all together.
This has taken many hours, much longer than I thought. Tomorrow.
I'm learning the value of washed out greys. They are lovely to put a drop of color in. I'm also learning to go back and soften egdes that were to dark. Using strathford paper is working well, as it forces me to limit lifting out areas.
Started with a diluted wash of cobalt on top and cadmium orange on the bottom. Background is lovely...diluted mixture of atmospheric colors: carmine (basically alizarine crimson substitute), cobalt and viridian. The foreground is disappointingly darker that I prefer. The path turned out nice. The focal point is supposed to be the water on the rocks...
It's not awful.